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Your future at EMS Maritime Offshore

Come on board and shape the future with Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH. Whether at sea or on land, you can make a difference with us.

Aktuelle Stellenangebote
Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH Logo

Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Weitere Stellenangebote

Good reasons for us


Our company history

Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH (EMO) is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Reederei Aktien-Gesellschaft "EMS" and was founded in 2010 to expand the offshore activities of the AG "EMS" group.


Key figures at a glance

  • 12+
    Years Ems Offshore Service
  • 90+
    Employees in the company
  • 40
    Satisfied costumers
  • 5

Your opinion is important to us!

We want to continue to develop and improve, so we welcome your feedback.

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